
Foro GA3-240202501-AA1-EV03

How can you be environmentally friendly at work?

Office plants to help the environment: Plants add a more natural touch to the workplace and also help reduce pollutants in the work environment. Plants that purify the air and those that can tolerate low or indirect natural light are ideal for these environments. There are thousands of options, such as cacti, succulents, some palms, and more.

What kind of incentives could a green company offer to its employees?

Volunteer programs: The company could organize volunteer activities related to the environment and offer employees paid days off to participate.

In what other ways could businesses involve their employees in environmental issues?

Education and Training: Businesses can organize regular training sessions and workshops to educate their employees on environmental issues and how they can contribute to reducing the organization's carbon footprint.

Foro GA3-240202501-AA2-EV03

Think about an experience at work where you were flexible and adapted to a new situation or a change in the process.

What was the result of the experience?

I have been living in the rural area for some years now. Returning to my studies has been a real challenge considering the poor conditions of technology and connectivity. But fortunately I have been able to adapt in my academic progress.

How did your flexibility and adaptability help you to deal with the situation?

The lack of resources and tools for my distance studies was an odyssey, but the fighting spirit pushed me not to be a conformist. With the use of the telephone and the municipal library, I managed to get to the place where I am right now.

Would you change anything in order to deal in a better way with it?

I have nothing to change, but a lot to improve. What I need to improve is my attitude when facing a challenge and be more fierce. In myself is the strength to change my world for the better.


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